Our spokespeople have a broad and comprehensive knowledge of issues that affect older people in Scotland.
To arrange an interview or to find out more about our spokespeople, please contact our communications team on 0131 668 0364 or communications@agescotland.org.uk

Katherine Crawford - Chief Executive
Joining the charity as our Chief Executive Officer in July 2023, Katherine Crawford has 19 years of experience in the charity sector, working with Parkinson's UK. Katherine has seen first-hand the challenges older people can face through that work and it is seeing the impact of charities like ours that energises and inspires her.
Bringing experience of influencing and campaigning at the Scottish government, working with volunteers and colleagues in developing and delivering services to benefit people wherever they live, Katherine is keen to focus her energy now to ensure every single older person in Scotland is confident that their voice is heard and knows that we are here.

Adam Stachura - Associate Director for Policy, Communications and External Affairs
Adam joined Age Scotland in February 2018 after more than a decade of senior roles working with politicians in Holyrood, Westminster and Brussels, as well as heading up campaigns and elections for a political party.
Adam oversees Age Scotland’s communications, policy development, campaigns, and influencing work, supporting a team dedicated to improving the lives of older people in Scotland. Adam and the team have been working on a wide range of issues identified by older people including pensioner poverty, boosting social security uptake, energy costs, access to health and social care, housing, tackling loneliness and isolation, financial independence, and digital exclusion.