LGBTQ+ Scottish Older People's Network

Our LGBTQ+ older people's network works to amplify the voices and uphold the rights of LGBTQ+ people over the age of 50 across Scotland.
Launched in Autumn 2022, the network aims to create a safe space where LGBTQ+ people over 50 can come together to discuss issues of inequality, increase the understanding of the needs of older LGBTQ+ people across society, and empower to be a collective voice to influence change.
Members of the Network have contributed to a range of consultations and events with the Scottish Government and organisations, examining topics such as Covid-19 lockdowns, public transport accessibility and housing concerns, bringing an LGBTQ+ lens to all these issues. It is vital that decision-makers understand the lived experience of older people from the LGBTQ+ community, and allow these perspectives to inform inclusive policy development.
The Network provides a supportive social space to meet other older LGBTQ+ people and provide connection, laughter and fun.
There are four meetings a year, twice in person and twice online to make them as accessible and inclusive as possible. Our in-person meetings have offered a fantastic opportunity to socialise and build connections.

Our purpose and aims
LGBTQ+ older people are comparatively likely to face barriers and discrimination and there is evidence that inequality and discrimination over a person’s lifetime can result in more pronounced and severe inequality in later life. The purpose of the Network is for LGBTQ+ older people to have a platform to share their experiences and have a collective voice to influence change.
The Network will also provide a space for discussions and debates to increase understanding of the needs of LGBTQ+ older people, which can be shared with partner organisations with a similar commitment to equality for all.
It will offer a unique and an important opportunity to adopt an inclusive approach through direct consultation and positive engagement in meeting the needs of LGBTQ+ older people.
The Network will offer a unique and an important opportunity to adopt an inclusive approach through direct consultation and positive engagement in meeting the needs of LGBTQ+ older people.
The Network will encourage and support LGBTQ+ older people to become confident in advocating for themselves, and their communities.
For it to be a meaningful platform, the Network's agenda will be led by its members and will take account of their aspirations. Age Scotland will facilitate and organise meetings.
Contact the LGBTQ+ Scottish Older People's Network
Get in touch with Fran Reid at and Rohini Sharma Joshi at