Age Scotland members make up a fantastic network of groups, organisations and individuals across the country.
By joining Age Scotland you will become part of a movement that is dedicated to making Scotland’s communities better places for older people.
Age Scotland membership is free and open to groups, organisations and individuals who support our vision and aims.
You can find out more about our membership options and apply online below.
To request a paper copy of our membership application form please call us on 0333 32 32 400 or email
Community Group Membership
Community Group Membership is open to groups and organisations providing activities, services and support for older people; these can be community led, non-constituted, constituted or not for profit.
Examples of types of groups invited to join in this category: Lunch Clubs, Day Centres, Social Groups, Men’s Sheds, Walking Groups, Minority Community Groups, and Health-focused Groups.

Community Group Membership Benefits
Community Group Membership entitles you to the following:
Voting rights at the Annual General Meeting
Access to Community Development Support
Information on Age Scotland’s Grant programmes
Invitations to attend network meetings, get togethers and events
Information about consultations and campaigns
Invitations to attend network meetings, get-togethers and events
A copy of Age Scotland's magazine 'Advantage' twice a year
Access to training, resources and fundraising opportunities
Access to training, resources and fundraising opportunities
A copy of Age Scotland’s Community Development Newsletter, three times a year
Apply for an Community Group Membership today
Apply OnlineAssociate Membership
Associate Group Membership is available for medium to larger sized local and national charities, public sector organisations and social enterprises working to benefit the lives of older people.
Example of types of groups invited to join in this category: Third Sector Interfaces, Community Trusts, Care Homes, Umbrella Bodies, National Charities

Associate Membership Benefits
Associate Membership entitles you to the following:
Invitations to attend the Age Scotland Annual General Meeting
Information about Age Scotland events
A copy of Age Scotland's magazine 'Advantage' twice a year
Information about consultations and campaigns
Access to training, resources and fundraising opportunities
Access to information, resources, training and advice
Apply for an Associate Membership today
Apply OnlineIndividual Membership
This category is for people who personally or professionally support the work of Age Scotland.

Individual Membership Benefits
Individual membership entitles you to the following:
Invitations to attend the Age Scotland Annual General Meeting
Invitations to attend network meetings, get togethers and events
A copy of Age Scotland's magazine 'Advantage' twice a year
Information about consultations and campaigns
Access to training, resources and fundraising opportunities