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Read our latest news, blogs and articles on age and ageing.
From our analysis of what's hitting the headlines, to the big issues affecting older people in Scotland.
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Five years on: the Covid-19 lockdown legacy
Have your say in Age Scotland’s national Housing and Energy Survey
West Lothian cyclist shares his epic Age Scotland fundraising journey
Insights from a Community Connector
Our top tips to save energy
A day in the life of an Unpaid carer: June's story
IWD: recognising older female campaigners and activists
Three in four Scottish pensioners lived in cold homes this winter
Age Scotland comment on Ofgem price cap increase
Age Scotland uncovers more than £2m of unclaimed benefits
Older people urged to check Council Tax Reduction eligibility
Insights from a Helpline Advisor
Media Centre
Find our more about our media work, spokespeople and to get in touch with our communications team