Check in, Cash out

Are you missing out on financial support?
Every year hundreds of millions of pounds in vital financial support go unclaimed by older people in Scotland.
Our "Check in, Cash out" campaign aims to raise awareness and increase take-up of the social security available to help older people live well.
Why we are campaigning
There are 150,000 pensioners in Scotland living in poverty - with tens of thousands more on the cusp of it. A range of social security payments are available to help older people, including Pension Credit, Council Tax Reduction and Attendance Allowance.
However, many older people don't claim the financial support they're entitled to. There are a range of reasons why this is the case, including:
- lack of awareness
- stigma about social security
- the belief the money would be better used to help others
- the claims process involved
- digital exclusion
- not knowing where to find advice and support
Find out more in our campaign pack
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