Our Community Development work

Our Community Development team works in partnership with our member groups across the country to make Scotland’s communities better places for older people.
We support the development of strong and vibrant older people's groups and organisations across Scotland by:
- Providing information, advice, resources and support to assist Age Scotland member groups with the delivery and development of their services and activities.
- Organising regional network meetings and policy engagement meetings. These events bring Age Scotland members together to make connections, share experiences and learning, and to engage with and influence local and national decisions and services to better meet their needs.
- Promoting the important work of Age Scotland’s member groups, celebrating success and sharing good ideas and practice through our Community Development newsletter, Advantage magazine, the Age Scotland Awards and in Network meetings.
- Identifying opportunities and supporting communities to develop new initiatives which encourage health and well-being and tackle loneliness and isolation.
The support our group gets from Age Scotland is wonderful.
Older peoples' group, Edinburgh