Staying Safe from Abuse

Anyone can be at risk of abuse, but older people can be particularly vulnerable if they need to depend on others, are frail, have health problems or have difficulty with thinking or memory. This guide provides information on different types of abuse, why it can be difficult to ask for help and what you can do if you are being abused.
Abusers often pick on people who are isolated because they have little contact with their community, family or friends. Some abusers try to make their victim feel more isolated, by saying negative things about people they are close to, or making it harder to spend time with them, to increase the victim’s dependence on them, and the control they have over them.
If you are experiencing abuse, or are concerned about someone who may be, the Hourglass confidential helpline can provide advice and support. You can call them on 0808 808 8141, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Our Worried an Older Person is Being Abused guide provides information on what you can do if you are concerned about someone you know.
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