Attendance Allowance and Pension Age Disability Payment

Although many people continue to enjoy good health well into later life, some people find they need help with some of their day-to-day tasks.
Attendance Allowance and Pension Age Disability Payment are government benefits for people who have reached State Pension Age (currently 66), have a health condition or disability requiring a certain level of care or supervision, and don’t already receive Adult Disability Payment, Personal Independence Payment, Disability Living Allowance, Armed Forces Independence Payment or Constant Attendance Allowance.
Pension Age Disability Payment is the new benefit that is gradually replacing Attendance Allowance. Both benefits are paid at one of two rates:
- a lower rate if you need care, help or supervision during the day or during the night
- a higher rate if you need care, help or supervision during the day and during the night
You do not have to be getting help from a carer to qualify, as your eligibility will be based on the help you need, not the help you actually receive. You don’t have to spend the money on paying for care, and you won’t be asked about how you spend the money, or to provide any evidence.
Both benefits are tax free and non means-tested, so it doesn’t matter how much you have in savings, income or capital.
Being awarded one of these benefits can increase your entitlement in other means-tested benefits you receive or give you an entitlement you didn’t have before, so have a benefit check if you start receiving one of these benefits.
Please note that while the video below only mentions Attendance Allowance, the guidance it provides also applies to Pension Age Disability Payment.
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