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Plans to resurrect seniors’ forum in Dumfries

14 February 2012

Monday 20th February will see a lunchtime meeting take place with the aim of establishing a body that will offer future representation and information-sharing provision for over-50s in Dumfries and Galloway following the sudden demise of D&G Seniors' Forum late last year.
The meeting to discuss the possible formation of a new local seniors' forum will take place in St George's Church Hall, George Street, Dumfries between 1:30 and 3:00pm and all interested people, especially former forum members, are invited to attend.
Age Scotland Regional Development Officer Morag Halliday said:  "It was a major blow to me personally when the Dumfries & Galloway Seniors' Forum effectively folded and older people in the region suddenly found themselves without a platform to discuss local issues and take them up with decision-makers. 
"However, I am committed to assisting those determined over-50s in the region who are working hard to establish a new representative group from the forum's ashes, and confident that with sufficient interest, we can make it work for all older people in the region."
Nancy Howat, former organiser of the Dumfries branch of the forum who was also a regular volunteer in the forum office said: "Since the closure, seniors across the region feel they have lost their voice and ability to influence decisions affecting them and are not getting access to the information they need for a better, later life.
"Although Age Scotland has a very useful helpline, there are a lot of older people in Dumfries & Galloway who still prefer face-to-face information provision, especially when it comes to local issues that affect them, and the plan is that this proposed new group will bridge that gap."
Anyone over 50 years of age interested in attending the meeting should confirm their attendance by either leaving a message at: 01387 251036 or emailing Morag on: