Check your entitlements with Age Scotland’s free benefits calculator

Our free 0800 12 44 222 helpline identified a massive £1,577,341 in unclaimed benefits last year - a record amount for Age Scotland.
If you’re curious about whether you could be missing out on any financial support, there’s a quick and easy way to kick-start the process through our online Benefits Calculator tool.
Age Scotland's Benefits Calculator can help you find out what benefits you could be owed. It's free to use and the details you provide are kept anonymous.
How does it work?
Based on the information you provide - such as where you live, whether you're single or in a couple or if you care for someone - we can tell you if you're potentially entitled to claim extra money.
What benefits will it check?
Our calculator covers Scotland, England and Wales. It will provide an estimate for many benefits, but for others it can only indicate if you might be eligible.
You should treat your results as a helpful estimate to help you figure out what you could be claiming. Our calculator cannot guarantee your eligiblity for any benefit or tax credit, so please contact the relevant department to confirm your entitlement.
Want to speak to someone about benefits?
Our expert advisers are also on hand to provide information and support on a variety of matters including social security. Benefit checks can also be carried out over the phone.
Just give us a call on 0800 12 44 222, 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.