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Golden Friendships is Age Scotland's Member Group of the Year

Member group of the year 2024 - golden friendships

8 October 2024

A vibrant and inclusive club for older people in Clydebank has won Age Scotland’s national Member Group of the Year award.  

Golden Friendships is a popular group offering a weekly lunch club, activities, fun and friendship for almost 300 older people in the Clydebank community. At their busiest, the organisers and volunteers provided 700 older people with a Christmas lunch and festive gift last year, spread over four days to help the kitchen cope.

The group has recently added a Saturday afternoon event once a month to the regular Wednesday lunch club. The weekend gatherings feature lunch and entertainment.

Ann Yourston, Age Scotland’s community development officer, who has visited Golden Friendships, said:

“It gives me a real lift to walk through the doors and feel immediately that I am entering somewhere very special indeed. The atmosphere is amazing and there are always plenty of smiles and laughter from all those within, both volunteers and group members.

“The first time I visited, I joined a group of friends who had all met each other through visiting the club.  I was straightaway made to feel as if I had always been part of the group and it was really interesting and moving to hear their stories about how Golden Friendships had changed their lives for the better, giving hope and friendship to them during the dark and lonely days of lockdown.”

Besides the fun and companionship, some more serious work goes on at the group. A couple of years ago the organisation worked to get accessible toilets with changing facilities installed in their venue. This was designed to ensure that anyone who had incontinence issues could quietly go off and change, then rejoin the group without feeling embarrassed or having to leave.

A combination of grant funding applications and a local plumber who supplied some of the fixtures and fittings at cost price results in Golden Friendships having comfortable, accessible toilet and changing facilities.

Members talk fondly of the cheerful staff and volunteers at Golden Friendships, describing it as ‘one big family’.

Jim McLaren from Golden Friendships said:

“We at Golden Friendships are absolutely thrilled about winning this award. In our efforts to tackle loneliness in our community we reached out and got much needed funding from Age Scotland. The relationship that has grown from that especially the face to face contact with Age Scotland community development officer, Ann, has made it a very enjoyable experience.

“We have been able to continue delivering meals to our pensioners which gets them out of their homes and into sociable company. Through these lunches friendships have developed and our members are having a lot more regular contact with other members in the same position as themselves. This may be through phone calls, visiting each other’s home or meeting out at other social events.

“As a group it is fantastic to be recognised for all the hard work that our staff and Volunteering teams put in daily to make our club welcoming and friendly for all who visit. Thank you from all at Golden Friendships.”

Katherine Crawford, chief executive of Age Scotland, said:

“It gives me great pleasure to present the team from Golden Friendships with the Age Scotland Member Group of the Year award. We had many nominations but Golden Friendships have done so much to deserve this award and recognition.

“The group is a warm, inclusive place for older people in the Clydebank area to come together for good food, companionship, activities, support and care. Providing Christmas dinner and a gift for 700 older people last year is a testament to the group’s popularity and the important role it plays in the community.

“I look forward to seeing Golden Friendships going from strength to strength and congratulate all involved for their richly deserved award.”