Insights from a Helpline Advisor

We caught up with Keith, one of our Helpline Advisors at Age Scotland, to tell us more about this vital role and how the service can help.
Q) Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
My name's Keith, and I'm based in Edinburgh. I started working at Age Scotland in 2023. Previously, I worked for a bookshop company for a long time, which gave me the opportunity to travel across the UK and further afield. I ran my own business after that – selling theatre memorabilia and running a B&B. During lockdown I got a job as Telefriending Coordinator at LGBT Health, which was my first paid job in the charity sector.
Q) Why did you choose to become a Helpline Advisor at Age Scotland?
In my previous role, I met with people from Age Scotland, and I thought it would be a good place to work. The variety of the role attracted me. I am happy I made the move.
Q) What can people call the Helpline for?
When I answer the phone, I never know what the nature of the call will be. It could be a regular caller ringing up for a wee chat, or sometimes it's someone having difficulty navigating the very complicated care home funding rules. Recently, we had an exciting development when we launched our new 'By Your Side' service. This provides extra support for older people who have difficulty completing forms and applications. There is a real need for this service, and it is great news that Age Scotland is doing something about it.
Q) Can you share any highlights from your time so far as a Helpline advisor?
Sometimes I get callers in real distress at the start of a call, but by the end, they are calmer just by talking about the things they have been storing up. Doing a Benefit Check with someone and identifying significant help they have been missing out on is also rewarding. There is some regret that they have been missing out on an entitlement due to lack of information or help, but also the recognition that, what may seem a small amount of money to some people, will make a huge difference to the caller.
Q) What has surprised you since becoming a Helpline Advisor at Age Scotland?
In my previous job, I was aware of the loneliness and isolation that older people face so that wasn’t a surprise. The surprise has been the scale of the issue. I was also aware of the crisis in our care system, but the surprise has been the scale of the problem, and the battles that people have to fight to get adequate care for their loved ones or themselves. This shouldn’t be the case.
Q) What advice would you give to someone who is unsure about calling the Helpline?
Some of our callers say, “This is going to sound like a stupid question”, or “I doubt you will be able to help”. However, there are no stupid questions and we do our very best to help, even if it is to signpost to another organisation that is better able to support. We are a friendly bunch so don’t think twice about getting in touch!
Do you need any help or advice?
Our Helpline is open Monday-Friday, 9-5pm, on 0800 12 44 222.
This is a free, confidential phone service for older people, their carers, and families in Scotland. Our skilled advisers provide information and advice on a range of topics from money matters and benefits entitlements, to social care, housing, energy, and legal issues. We also provide friendship for when you just need a chat.
Visit our Helpline page to find out more.