Couple 'feel less alone' in dementia journey after Age Scotland's coffee event

A couple ‘feel less alone’ in their dementia journey, having attended our first in-person coffee event.
Husband and wife, Graham and Sandra, joined our Coffee and Blether meet-up, ran by About Dementia, Age Scotland’s dementia policy forum.
The event previously took place online, but we recently held our first in-person version in Age Scotland’s Edinburgh office.
First time attendee, Sandra, who helps care for husband Graham who has dementia, said: “It was better than we could ever have imagined.
“Friendly faces, open conversation and shared learning. We feel less alone in our journey with dementia.”
The couple met with a group of welcoming people, in similar situations to theirs, some who had attended the online versions of the coffee event.
And they all agreed that having the chance to meet in person and chat in a more natural setting was a thoroughly enjoyable experience.