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Blog: Energy advice as new price cap comes into effect

27 September 2023

Energy regulator Ofgem recently announced the new Energy Price Cap, with prices set to fall by 7% on average from 1 October.

Despite this drop, it’s likely that most people will still be paying more for their energy than last winter, especially if no additional support is announced by the government.

We’d encourage people to submit an up-to-date meter reading ahead of the change to help ensure you are billed correctly.

Heating our homes to a comfortable level is essential for maintaining our health and wellbeing, especially during the typically colder Scottish winters, but we know that surging energy bills are a considerable challenge for many older people, causing real concern about their affordability and how to balance tight household budgets.

Understanding your heating system, managing bills, and the efficient use of your home energy is really important, but it can be hard to know where to start and who can help.

Nobody should face the ongoing energy crisis alone. Age Scotland is here to offer support and advice in a range of ways.

Energy Advice guide: Warm and Well

Our Warm and Well guide explains how to make your home energy efficient, manage your bills, keep your home warm, benefit the environment and stay as well as you can over winter.

Free energy workshops

Our free online and in person energy workshops can help you get a better understanding of your household energy use - supporting you to stay warm and save money on bills. New dates for coming months will be updated shortly.

Helpline advice

Our free helpline has an expert energy adviser who can offer help and advice and signpost to available support. We also offer benefit checks to ensure you are receiving all of the money that you are entitled to.

You can find a full rundown of all of our energy support at