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Blog: Age Scotland represents at Arran Pride

14 June 2023

Age Scotland's Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Susanne Flynn, and Policy Officer, Jo McGilvray, attended Arran's secord ever Pride event on 3rd June.

The organiser of Arran Pride, Michael Gettins, is a member of Age Scotland’s LGBTQ+ Older People’s Network, and the team were delighted to offer their support to both Michael and the wider LGBTQ+ community on Arran. It was an important opportunity to connect directly with older LGBTQ+ older people and help get more information our into the community.

Susanne and Jo marched in the parade alongside fellow network Dougie Morgan – representative of Fighting with Pride, a veteran’s LGBTQ+ charity who work closely with Age Scotland. The sun was shining on Arran and the whole community came out to support the event.

Susanne and Jo had a stall in the main grounds of the event where they chatted with the community about the work Age Scotland do and promoted the LGBTQ+ Older People’s network. They handed out information guides on Rights of LGBTQ+ Older People, wellbeing information and shared details of the helpline. They spoke with Provost for North Ayrshire, Anthea Dickson, and and Ross Greer of the Scottish Green Party, MSP for West of Scotland.

The sun was shining and the whole community came out to support the event. There was a human library event where LGBTQ+ people shared their life experiences and answered questions, as well as music and dancing enjoyed by everyone.

Michael, chair of Arran Pride said:

“My heart sang, and it made every bit of effort worthwhile when I heard a young person say Arran Pride was the best day of my life!”.

Susanne added:

“It was great to be supporting the community and raising awareness of the work Age Scotland do for LGBTQ+ older people”.