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Age Scotland to host free activity sessions in Glasgow libraries

8 February 2023

Age Scotland, in partnership with Glasgow Life, is hosting a series of free, fun movement sessions for over 50s at libraries across the city this month.

Glasgow residents are invited to take part in the interactive sessions at local libraries designed to teach older people how to boost their strength and balance to help them enjoy a happy and healthy later life.

As well as the opportunity to play one of Age Scotland’s popular active games which combine movement, music and laughs – Body Boosting Bingo (based on traditional bingo) and Power Quiz (a multiple-choice quiz) – participants will get tips on small changes to daily routines that can support better physical and mental wellbeing.

Those taking part can also pick up a free copy of Age Scotland’s Keeping Active in Later Life guide.

Doug Anthoney, health and wellbeing manager at Age Scotland, said:

“We are delighted to be offering these fun activity sessions in Glasgow libraries, in partnership with Glasgow Life.

"The sessions are for people aged 50 plus who would like to learn more, and do more, for their strength and balance. The movement parts of the session are all low impact, with seated options available. And anyone coming along is welcome to bring family, friends and carers.

“There’s no need for sports clothes, just wear whatever’s comfortable. However bringing a bottle of water along to stay hydrated is a good idea.

“The sessions are free and there’s no booking requirement. Just turn up at the advertised start time. We look forward to seeing as many over 50s as possible joining us for some movement and chat.”

You can find the venues and timetable for Age Scotland’s workshops here