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Age Scotland calls threat to triple lock pension a 'devastating betrayal'

18 October 2022

Age Scotland has warned that if the UK Government breaks the triple lock pension promise it will be devastating for hundreds of thousands of older people and seen as a betrayal to pensioners.

The national charity for older people said that today’s inflation figures, driven largely by an increase in the cost of food, strengthen the need for the UK Government to reinstate the triple lock to support older people on low and modest incomes.

Adam Stachura, head of policy and communications, said:

“The State Pension is critical to hundreds of thousands of Scottish pensioners as it makes up all or most of their retirement income. As almost all daily costs are surging at extraordinary rates, the UK Government and Prime Minister must stick to their repeated promises to reinstate the triple lock as too many pensioners are really struggling to keep up and make ends meet.

“Hundreds of thousands of pensioners in Scotland live on low and modest incomes are terrified about what the coming months have in store as they fall further and further behind.

“We have been hearing from older people who skip meals, live in one room of their home, and don’t use their heating systems in order to get by and survive. Their health and financial security are suffering, and increasing numbers will find themselves with unmanageable debt unless things change.

"This is an unacceptable position for our country to be in. These older people cannot withstand yet another financial blow and a betrayal of their trust.

“Last year, the now Deputy Prime Minister said the triple lock would only be paused for a year, and the Prime Minister herself has said time and again that the triple lock on the State Pension is safe.

"We know a week is a long time in politics, but it would be incredibly foolish and short-sighted for them to break this very clear commitment to current and future pensioners.”