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Age Scotland’s Big Wheesht is back

29 August 2022

This September marks the return of The Big Wheesht, Age Scotland’s fundraising challenge which asks participants to “haud their wheesht” to tackle loneliness and isolation among older people across Scotland.

Through the challenge, the national charity for older people hopes to highlight the unwelcome silence so many older people live with on a daily basis, with research revealing that 218,000 over 50s in Scotland feel lonely all or most of the time and 53% feeling lonelier in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Fundraisers can get involved any time throughout the month and there are various ways to take part – from holding a sponsored silence to parting company with their mobile phone or social media.

Funds raised through The Big Wheesht will help support Age Scotland’s friendship services which aim to tackle loneliness and isolation by providing anyone aged 50 or over with a listening ear and opportunity to have a regular chat.

Age Scotland’s Director of Charity Services, Michelle Supple, said:

“We’re delighted to announce that our fundraising challenge, The Big Wheesht, is returning for what will be its third year.

"Running throughout September, we’re encouraging people to take part in this sponsored silence with a difference. It could be 2 hours, 24 hours, or more – how you ‘haud your wheesht’ is up to you.

“Every penny raised will go towards our services providing vital support for older people across Scotland and tackling the devastating impact of loneliness and isolation.

“Older people are facing a particularly difficult time at the moment, so it’s more important than ever that they have somewhere to turn for advice and friendship. With your support, we can make sure we can be there for every older person who needs us both now and in the future.”

To sign up for The Big Wheesht or find more information, please visit