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Age Scotland responds to Ofgem’s 80% price cap announcement

26 August 2022

Brian Sloan, chief executive at Age Scotland, said:“This eye-watering price cap hike will be a shock to the system for almost every older person and it will have catastrophic consequences for those households on low, modest and fixed incomes this winter. The tragic reality is that older people will die this winter if they can’t heat their home and can’t afford to eat enough.

“There is no time to lose. Without swift and significant interventions from governments, more and more older households will be plunged into poverty, poorer health and financial insecurity. Older people are already the largest group in Scotland affected by fuel poverty, but that number is going to explode in the coming months.

“Huge numbers of older people are reliant on their state pension and other social security to survive, so the coming months are going to be stark as their bills keep mounting. This crisis will really take its toll on their physical and mental health. Cold homes can exacerbate respiratory problems, heart disease and other health conditions for older people. This could lead to more winter deaths and hospital admissions, putting additional strain on our over-stretched NHS.

“We’ve repeatedly called on the UK and Scottish governments to take big steps to help older people, particularly those on lowest incomes or with health conditions, cover their essential spending. That just isn’t happening fast enough. This week we wrote to the First Minister stressing the need for urgent action with help to put more money in older people’s pockets and make the homes of those on the lowest incomes warmer. There could be direct, targeted home assessments for low-income households to make sure they get the energy efficiency support they are entitled to, and a massive national benefit uptake campaign so people know what they could be due and how to access it.  Hundreds of thousands of older people are missing out on hundreds of millions of pounds in social security entitlement. If we can get that in their pockets as soon as possible it could make a real difference to their lives.”

Iain Gregory (68) from Thurso, said:

“Today’s incredible price cap increase is going to make things far far worse and fuel poverty will be the rule, rather than the exception. Every day I speak with older people who simply do not know how they are going to manage to keep warm, or indeed eat properly.

“This is now a crisis equalling or exceeding the recent pandemic in the risks to our health and wellbeing. I urge older people to seek help now. Contact Age Scotland, speak to advice agencies, and please no not suffer alone.”

Any older person worried or anxious about today’s announcement can call the free Age Scotland helpline for energy advice and a benefits entitlement check on 0800 12 44 222.