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Ready, steady... Spring into Action!

10 March 2022

Age Scotland is launching a fundraising campaign to get people moving throughout April in a 30-day activity challenge to provide vital support for older people.

Fundraisers are being encouraged to take part in the Spring into Action challenge by celebrity lifestyle and fitness duo, the Kilted Coaches, who have recorded a video with ideas to get people started.

Coaches Stephen and Rab said:

“We are supporting Age Scotland’s Spring into Action to get fitter and get more active while at the same time supporting a really good cause looking out for vulnerable older people.

“So get walking, running, jogging, skipping, hiking, whatever you want. But the key thing is you have to do it every day in April.”

As the Kilted Coaches know, daily activity is a great way of boosting physical and mental health. Fundraisers can enjoy the twin benefits of looking after their own health and wellbeing, as well as helping the health and wellbeing of older people across Scotland.

All the money raised will support Age Scotland’s vital services, including the national friendship line which offers support, connection, reassurance, and a friendly listening ear for older people who feel isolated or lonely.

Recent research found that hundreds of thousands of older people in Scotland feel lonely all or most of the time. Two years on from the start of the Covid pandemic, Age Scotland’s friendship line, along with the helpline which provides information and advice, continues to receive a high volume of calls from older people in desperate need of support.

Michelle Supple, Age Scotland’s Director of Charity Services, said:

“We hope to see as many people as possible taking up our challenge to Spring into Action. Spring is the perfect time of year to get moving. With lighter evenings and better weather hopefully on the horizon, this is a great motivation to get active and support a worthy cause at the same time.

“Whether you run one mile, walk five, or design your own challenge, your fundraising efforts will be making a real difference for older people in Scotland.

“The money you raise will fund vital services like our friendship line. Every week we receive hundreds of calls from older people looking for support. Many are lonely and isolated and just want to hear a friendly voice. We listen, provide comfort and friendship and let older people know that someone cares.

“No one should feel like they have no one to turn to. To help us be there for every older person who needs us, sign up to the challenge today.”

Find out more and sign up to Age Scotland’s Spring into Action challenge here: