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Ofgem price cap hike confirms worst fears for struggling older customers

3 February 2022

Age Scotland has warned that urgent action is needed to protect against the effects of rising energy costs. Regulator Ofgem announced a price cap today that will see millions of households facing a 54% rise in their energy bills.

As households across the UK could see their bills rise by up to £693, or up to £708 for those on prepayment meters, the charity is extremely concerned about the impact this will have on the 1 in 3 older households (around 222,000) in Scotland already living in fuel poverty.

Age Scotland’s Chief Executive, Brian Sloan, said:

“This eye-watering increase to the energy price cap confirms our worst fears and will make life considerably harder for hundreds of thousands of older people in Scotland. Our research has always identified energy bills as the main cause for financial concern among older people, so this news will only serve to compound their anxieties.

“At a time when many are already feeling under pressure due to rapidly rising energy bills, news that bills are set to rise further still will put those already struggling in an extremely difficult position.

"Those with a prepayment meter and who may already be financially squeezed or in debt to their energy company are set to pay the most. That just doesn’t feel fair or right at all.

“Making ends meet in the face of the price cap rise will be tougher than ever before, particularly for those on low and fixed incomes.

“Access to affordable heating options is more important than ever. Household energy isn't a luxury, it is an essential resource which supports our health and wellbeing.

“Even with the support package outlined by the UK Government, there's a very real risk that we’ll now see more people with less money in their pocket, in poorer health and being forced to cut down on other essentials or dip into savings in order to afford bills each month, potentially finding themselves in, or falling further into, debt as a result.”