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Staff spotlight- 60 seconds with Director of Community Services Fiona Cross

20 August 2021

Each week we will be spotlighting Age Scotland staff and trustees to show the human faces of the organisation. Even though we’re all working from home, we can still get to know new and old faces and get a flavour for how they shape our work and support older people.

This week we have Fiona Cross, Director of Community Services at Age Scotland, in the spotlight.

Tell us about your role at Age Scotland?

I’m the Director of Community Services and this Directorate leads on Community Development, Health and Wellbeing, Dementia, Dementia Training and Veterans. Working with communities is all about collaboration and building good relationships, having a genuine interest in older people, what they have to say and what’s important to them and working together for positive change. We’ve all had to adapt our services and activities given the challenges of lockdown and we’ve learnt a lot along the way, attracting new audiences and learning new skills. In Community Services we are looking forward now, to a period of recovery, and supporting older people to re-engage safely with each other and the groups, services and activities they have so missed out on during the pandemic.

What do you love most about your job?

That what we do makes a positive difference to older people’s lives and that the third sector, in spite of all the challenges, still allows for innovation. I also love the variety of my role and working alongside such talented and committed colleagues. Every day can be a school day at Age Scotland!

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

The importance of gratitude — 'Gratitude turns what we have into enough'.

What are your hobbies/interests outside of work?

I got my sewing machine, that I purchased over 10 years ago, out over lockdown. I’ve never sewn before but it’s amazing what you can learn from YouTube videos. I love making things from recycled sari’s, bits of ribbon, old pillowcases and odd buttons and I’ve even mastered a double zippered pouch. I might even attempt making a kimono next. Oh and I love my garden. Growing flowers 💐 that I can pick in the summer makes me very happy.

How would you describe Age Scotland in 3 words?

Collaborative, Motivated and Trustworthy

Huge thanks to Fiona for answering our questions, stay tuned for another staff spotlight next week!