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Staff spotlight - 60 seconds with Director of Charity Services Michelle Supple

13 August 2021

Tell us about your role at Age Scotland?

I took up my role of Director of Charity Services in June 2019 and it has been an eventful two years!

My role involves overseeing various functions across the charity – fundraising, marketing, communications and policy, as well as our information and advice services which include our helpline, friendship services and information delivery.

I also undertake the role of deputy CEO and deputise for Brian when he is not available. It is a hugely varied role and there is never a dull moment.

What do you love most about your job?

I love the variety of my role and being able to work with so many talented and passionate people. Being able to see the tangible difference we make to older people in Scotland is so rewarding too.

It was such an honour to be part of the pandemic response and support older people when they needed us most. It was hard work and exhausting but as a team we pulled together and acted quickly to ensure that we could enhance and continue our vital work. I never underestimate the impact that Covid-19 has had, and is still having, on our teams. I’m eternally grateful for their adaptability, passion, resilience and support during these unprecedented times.

I can’t forget to mention our culture, I’m proud to work for such an inclusive and welcoming organisation which is people-centred and flexible.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

I’ve been given so many good pieces of great advice it is hard to choose. However, when I decided to challenge myself to run a marathon a good friend said to me, ‘Never give up on a dream because of the time it will take to accomplish it – the time will pass anyway’. Completing a marathon felt like an impossible task to a complete running novice, but with this in mind, I kept going, never gave up and completed the London Marathon. This advice can be used in so many areas of life and I’ve always remembered it.

What are your hobbies/interests outside of work?

I enjoy spending time with my friends and family. I’m married to Ben and we have two children, James (12) and Jessica (8). We’ve got two dogs, Cooper and Henry (not named after a famous boxer!), a cat named Lola and a tortoise named Martha.

A lover of all things nature and being outdoors, during lockdown I found a new passion for feeding the birds and squirrels who come to the garden. The squirrels are particularly entertaining and quite distracting when you are on a teams call, as I am sure some of my team will testify.

I am a reluctant jogger when the notion takes me, but it doesn’t come naturally.

Always counting down to the next holiday, I love travelling, although the pandemic has put a stop to most of that recently. Oh, and best not to forget that I am known to like a wee white wine, or two!

How would you describe Age Scotland in 3 words?

Progressive, people-centred, and inspirational.

Huge thanks to Michelle for answering our questions, stay tuned for another staff spotlight next week!