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Staff spotlight - 60 seconds with Telephony manager Laura Stenhouse

6 August 2021

Each week we will be spotlighting Age Scotland staff and trustees to show the human faces of the organisation. Even though we’re all working from home, we can still get to know new and old faces and get a flavour for how they shape our work and support older people.

This week we have Laura Stenhouse, Telephony Manager at Age Scotland, in the spotlight.

Tell us about your role at Age Scotland?

My role is really diverse and as the Helpline sits at the heart of the charity I'm lucky enough to be involved in most of the core projects. I am accountable for the strategic development and growth of the Age Scotland Helpline, Community Connecting and Friendship services. My days are spent managing the operational delivery of our telephony services ensuring that our high quality standards are met and that management information including caller insights are shared. I can also be found developing partnerships with funders, government, commercial and voluntary organisations pursuing opportunities for sustainable growth. I joined the team around 3 years ago and I can’t believe it has been that long already! Time flies when you are having fun and love what you do.

What do you love most about your job?

I am passionate about customer service and making a difference to older people by ensuring they can access rights and entitlements to improve later life. Being part of the exceptional team at Age Scotland enables this and we have so many opportunities right now, it really is quite an exciting time for the charity. I am delighted to be part of shaping the future for Scotland’s older people.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity,” Albert Einstein

What are your hobbies/interests outside of work?

I have a keen interest in competing my horse Frank and enjoy taking part in dressage, show jumping and cross country jumping when I can. I love to walk and have climbed Munros including Beinn Ghlas and Ben Lawyers. Only a few people know that I have my Padi open water diver qualification and that I can drive HGV class 1 vehicles.

How would you describe Age Scotland in 3 words?

Transformational, aspirational and progressive.

Huge thanks to Laura for answering our questions, stay tuned for another staff spotlight next week!