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Emily, six, puts her best foot forward to help older people

11 March 2021

Like many children, Midlothian-based Emily Govan has missed seeing her grandparents during the lockdown.

But the thought of tens of thousands of older people feeling cut off from their families and friends inspired the Bilston Primary pupil to raise funds for Age Scotland.

Emily, 6, started a daily sponsored run at the beginning of January, and has now raised an impressive £670 for the charity. No matter the weather, she ran every day throughout the month with her parents around her neighbourhood.

Her mum, Fiona Govan, a teacher, said: “Emily is a very active and kind girl who always thinks of others. She likes coming on runs with me and her dad, and she said she wanted to do something to help older people. She has missed seeing her grandparents during the lockdown.

“She ran a 1km loop around our estate every day during January. Even when it was snowing or icy outside, she was determined to keep going.

“When she started, she said she wanted to raise £10 and we encouraged her to aim a little higher. We let family and friends know, but certainly didn’t expect the fantastic response we got. Emily was delighted when she heard how the money was going to help people.”

Brian Sloan, Chief Executive of Age Scotland, said: “Emily’s efforts are truly inspiring and we’d like to say a big thank you for her support. Her kindness and commitment will help us make a big difference to older people throughout Scotland.

“We’ve been especially inspired by the number of children and young people who are concerned about the impact of the pandemic on older people. More young people than ever are reaching out to Age Scotland, looking for ways to fundraise and volunteer to help those who are feeling isolated.

“Sadly our helpline hears every day from older people who feel lonelier than ever and cut off from their family and friends. But the work of fundraisers like Emily will help make sure we can be there for them, and offer a friendly listening ear to anyone who needs it.”

To support Emily, please visit her JustGiving page.