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Social care review: Time to be bold on reform says Age Scotland

3 February 2021

Age Scotland has welcomed the publication of the Independent Review of Adult Social Care in Scotland and has called on political leaders to grab the opportunity for reform with both hands.

Age Scotland’s chief executive Brian Sloan said:

“This is an important piece of work and highlights the huge importance of social care to people in Scotland. Too often it has played second fiddle to the NHS in terms of funding and status but the two go together hand in glove. It shouldn’t have taken a worldwide pandemic to realise the value of social care but it has drawn into sharp focus its vital role and that reform is needed now more than ever.

“We know that the idea of a National Care Service has meant many things to many different people and while the review doesn’t advocate for national ownership of social care provision, the reforms it recommends are wide ranging and bold.

“It includes many things which we have been calling for such as increased financial investment, equity of access, choice, human rights and people at its heart, considerable changes to charging arrangements, improved opportunities and conditions for staff, and more government responsibility and accountability.

“The review rightly identifies that there are significant gaps between what should be happening in social care and what happens in reality. Ensuring that these are addressed would be a major first step.

“Social care is an investment in the nation and should be recognised as such. It couldn’t be clearer that more of the same will just not do.

“This must not be kicked into the long grass. Political leaders should grab this opportunity for reform with both hands, be bold and ensure a social care system that delivers for everyone who needs it. “