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Pension Awareness Day – Protecting your pension during the pandemic

15 September 2020

It’s Pension Awareness Day – designed to help people across the UK get the most from and plan their pensions.

Unsurprisingly, the usual campaigns have gone virtual this year and, to help you stay as informed as possible and in a position to protect your pension during this difficult time, we’ve put together some top tips and useful resources.

Seek professional advice before making decisions regarding your pension

Since the coronavirus outbreak, stock markets have fallen considerably and are likely to remain volatile for a while. You may therefore be wondering if you should bring forward a decision to do something with your pension.

If you are 55 or over, you might be tempted to access your pension pot. Do not do this without advice and guidance from an accredited independent financial adviser, Pensionwise or The Pensions Advisory Service.

You can find further information and advice about Coronavirus and your pension here.