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The happiness advantage

11 September 2020

There is now conclusive evidence that happy people are more creative, more energetic and their brains work much more effectively - otherwise known as the Happiness advantage.

Researchers have discovered that as much as 90% of our long term happiness is not based on our current circumstances, but rather on how we see the world around us as we are living from day to day. By raising our level of positive feelings in the present moment, we create a ‘happiness’ advantage.

With streaming news bulletins that focus primarily on what is going wrong in the world, our challenge is to find ways to be happy in the present moment so that we can experience the happiness advantage.

We all know that exercise, good sleep hygiene and social connections makes us less prone to stress and depression but here are some other tried and tested ways of feeling happier which you might consider trying, courtesy of Second Nature

Three gratitudes each day

Start every day with listing three things you are thankful for. Chose different things each day. It can be anything from crisp clean ironed sheets, to seeing the first signs of spring, to the feel of a pen that writes smoothly, to the first tomato grown by your own fair hands.

Journaling about one positive experience you’ve had over the last 24 hours allows your brain to relive it. Try and write just a few sentences every day which focus on the positive things that have happened.

Get moving!

Exercise instantly lifts your mood and your energy. Try to find ways to sit less and move more and enjoy the feelings of wellbeing as you build your strength and your flexibility.

Meditation is really good for helping to combat chronic multi-tasking and gives your brain a much-needed rest. It doesn’t have to be a long affair – it can be as simple as a few moments halting your thinking, focussing on your breathing and clearing your mind.

Random acts of kindness

Very simple thoughtful acts are also known to improve positivity. They can be quite spontaneous and will have an immediate effect on both you and those around you.

To find out more about the happiness advantage we recommend watching Shawn Achor’s “Ted Talk” about happiness online.

Giles Brandreth has written a book called the Seven Steps to Happiness which makes for a good read.

To learn more about the longest study of happiness ever conducted and the one sure thing to make us happy search for Robert Waldinger’s “Ted Talk” online.