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Listen: Answers needed on discharge of positive COVID patients from hospital to care homes

20 August 2020

"When you look at the numbers and see that half of all deaths from coronavirus occurred in care homes and two thirds of those who died were over 75, you see what a devastating impact this virus has had on older people.

"Medical guidance has changed significantly and, as we prepared to protect the NHS, questions were continually asked about how well prepared the social care sector was. The cries for PPE, widespread testing and support were largely for several months. The more you look into it, the more questions are raised."

The Sunday Post recently revealed that several health boards in Scotland discharged patients who had tested positive for COVID-19 into care homes during lockdown.

Questions are now being raised over whether these decisions caused the virus to spread, who is responsible, and what lessons have been learned to ensure we are prepared for a potential second wave.

Listen as Age Scotland’s Head of Policy and Communications Adam Stachura joins Professor David Bell for a discussion with Gary Robertson on BBC Radio Scotland’s Good Morning Scotland show.