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Tens of thousands of Scotland's poorest pensioners will struggle to pay TV licence

20 August 2020

Age Scotland has found that tens of thousands of older people in Scotland who are living below or just above the poverty line will struggle to pay for a TV licence.

Older people living on the basic State Pension, who just miss out on additional support, have told the country's leading charity for older people that they will have to 'tighten their belts' in order to afford the new bill which the BBC imposed on over 75s at the beginning of this month.

Callers to the charity's free helpline said they now face difficult decisions about spending and may be forced to cut back on small treats, such as going out and socialising.

Only those over 75s who receive Pension Credit will continue to get a free TV licence. In Scotland, just 90,000 claim Pension Credit, which tops income up to £173.75 for single people or £265.20 for a couple.

Figures from the UK Government suggests that more than 130,000 over 75s in Scotland (28%) are living in poverty or just above this line.

This leaves tens of thousands of the poorest over 75s with the choice of paying an extra £157.50 a year or giving up their television, which is a source of companionship for so many.

Age Scotland has found that even older people entitled to Pension Credit do not always claim it. Figures from the Department of Work and Pensions show that almost one in four older pensioners are missing out because they are unaware of it, don't want to ask for help or find the process too confusing.

Brian Sloan, Age Scotland chief executive, said:

"It is extremely alarming to hear from older people who say they are cutting back in order to afford to pay for their TV licence, but it was clear from the start that this would be one of the consequences. The BBC’s decision and criteria for who to support was flawed. Tens of thousands of over 75s who live in poverty or just above this line now have to stump up or be switched off.

"The imposition of this new bill on older people who can ill afford it comes at a time when hundreds of thousands have been shielding during lockdown and are already struggling with isolation and chronic levels of loneliness. Their TV has been a source of company and their window on the world.

"Now they are faced with tough decisions over what to spend their money on and are having significant difficulties even setting up the payments as banks are closed and many don’t have access to the internet.

"Older people should be looking forward to reconnecting with family and friends now that lockdown has eased. It is vital for their physical and mental health that they don't feel cut off from their community as they use that money to pay to keep their vital access to TV.

"Our helpline has received a large volume of calls from older people asking about their eligibility for Pension Credit but sadly many of those who call very narrowly miss out on receiving it. This does not mean they have any money to spare. They are the ones who will struggle to pay for the TV licence and have shared concerns about having to cut costs elsewhere.

"The UK government was wrong to pass the buck on this issue, but it is not too late for them to sit down with the BBC and come up with a solution that will not result in older people curtailing their spending or avoiding outings with friends just to watch television."