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Campaign Victory! Over 65s to get cheaper Scotland football match tickets

18 November 2019

The Scottish Football Association have announced that they will cut the price of tickets for over 65s and children at future Scotland men's national team games, following a campaign by Age Scotland and the Mail on Sunday.

The SFA has been struggling to fill Hampden Park for home games and on occasions, such as against Belgium, half of the seats were empty. The high price of tickets and the omission of concessionary rates has been blamed for low sales.

Age Scotland and the Sunday Mail have been campaigning for over a year to convince the SFA to change course and bring back much cheaper tickets for over 65s.

Congratulating the SFA on their new pricing plans Brian Sloan, Age Scotland’s Chief Executive, said:

“It’s great news that our campaign to reinstate concessionary ticket pricing for over-65s has been successful.

“Many older people have been loyal tartan army fans all their lives, but struggle to afford full-price tickets on their pensions. The SFA’s decision is a step in the right direction towards tackling loneliness among older people. Around 200,000 older people in Scotland regularly go a week without speaking to anyone – the equivalent of four full Hampden Park stadiums.

“A more inclusive pricing structure means it’s easier for older people to enjoy a night out at a game and encourage younger fans to bring an older friend or relative. We’d also love to see the SFA working with more community groups, such as walking sports clubs and veterans' groups, to offer discounts.

“This is a win-win situation, boosting attendance at matches while rewarding lifelong fans and reaching out to the wider community.”