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Abseil the Forth Bridge for Age Scotland

21 September 2019

If adventure is your middle name then Age Scotland want you to take a leap and abseil the Forth Rail Bridge on Sunday 6 October.

Experience the unique opportunity of a 165ft SAS style abseil (freefall) from the iconic Forth Rail Bridge onto the beach below and raise money for Age Scotland, the national charity for older people.

Join Age Scotland Chief Executive, Brian Sloan, who is part of a team taking the leap and a group of highly skilled instructors who will ensure that you are equipped with all you need to make your abseil safe and enjoyable.

Michelle Supple, Age Scotland’s director of charity services, said:

“It’s heart-breaking that thousands of older people in the Highlands go days or weeks without even a visit or friendly voice on the phone. More than 100,000 older people in Scotland say they feel lonely most or all of the time, with half of over-75s saying that their television or a pet is their main form of company.

“Help us change that by taking on the Forth Rail Bridge Abseil for Age Scotland. Not only will you enjoy the thrill of abseiling from one of Scotland’s most famous landmarks but you will help raise vital money to help end loneliness and isolation and help older people love later life.

“To secure your space all you need to do is commit to raising a minimum of £185 sponsorship and pay a £21 deposit. Our fundraising team will support you every step of the way, providing lots of ideas and guidance on how you can reach your sponsorship target.”

Anyone who wishes to take part in the abseil or make a donation to Age Scotland should visit or call 0333 323 2400.


Note to editors

Age Scotland launched their Share What You Love campaign to encourage people to spend time with older friends or relatives. Whether it’s sharing a hobby, going to the cinema, or simply a chat over a cup of tea, we can all do our bit to tackle loneliness.
Age Scotland are on a mission to cut loneliness in Scotland in half by 2025.