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Population statistics show Scotland is getting older

14 August 2019

Figures published today from the National Records of Scotland shows that Scotland’s population is ageing, dementia is the most common cause of death among women and more older people are living alone.

The national charity for older people, Age Scotland say that it is vital that Scotland is fit for the future with more investment in health and social care as well as better supporting older workers.

Age Scotland’s Chief Executive Brian Sloan said:

“Scotland’s ageing population presents many challenges but also opportunities. We already know that Scotland is ageing faster than the rest of the UK and the trend is that we will continue to get older as a country.

“We need to ensure that Scotland is fit for the future. This includes ensuring that our precious health and social care services are properly resourced and are planning on how best to support more older people. We already know that social care in Scotland faces immense pressure in terms of funding and staffing, so it is vital that this is properly invested in and extensive recruitment is undertaken.

“Over the next two decades there will be 50% more people living with dementia in Scotland. It is already the most common cause of death among women here and a child born today could have a 1 in 3 chance of developing dementia in later life. It is therefore absolutely vital that Scotland gets it right in terms of how to best support and care for those affected. Prevention and education about dementia is also key to helping people become more aware about how to reduce the risk of developing it and living well if they are affected.

“With growing number of older people living alone is it critical that we support people to live well and safely in their own home, that they have enough income and that they are well connected to people, services and their community.

“People are working longer both because they want to and that financially, they need to. Employers need to become much more age-inclusive, support older workers better and embrace their huge wealth of experience. This would help reduce the £360million skills shortage in Scotland and would benefit the economy, business and the workforce.”