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Scotrail should reverse plans to charge for station toilets

7 August 2019

Commenting on Scotrail’s decision to scrap plans for free access to station toilets at Glasgow Queen Street, Aberdeen, Inverness and Fort William, Age Scotland Chief Executive Brian Sloan said:

“This is a significant let down to older people and those with medical conditions who are very likely to use these toilets when travelling. Despite receiving millions of pounds of taxpayer subsidy and ticket prices at sky-high rates, news that Scotrail is not prepared to match an identical commitment by Network Rail to make public toilets in Waverley and Glasgow Central free to use is thoroughly disappointing.

“We already know from our own research that many older people don’t make journeys when they know they won’t have a convenient toilet stop on the way. After speaking to hundreds of older people about their transport needs last year, we found that well over a third said they’d use public transport more if access to toilets was easier. Charging people and forcing them to look for the right change is yet another barrier to travel and has a substantial impact on the public health challenge of loneliness and isolation which already impacts on the lives of hundreds of thousands of older people in Scotland.

“Scotrail is using the excuse that free toilets in stations would lead to an increase in antisocial behaviour. The response to that must be to improve security, not put up barriers for the vast majority who simply want to use the toilet on their journey. Scotrail should review this decision and give something back.”