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Renfrew group wins national inspiration award

27 March 2019

Nearly 28 years ago Effie McGachie – known locally as Mrs Renfrew – was swimming in the Victory Baths with her friends when the idea for a swimming club was suggested to her by the bath manager. News spread around the community shortly after and the Renfrew Over 50s Swimming Club began.


That idea has won Effie and her club co-founders Isobel Marshall and Meg Maine a national award today in Glasgow.


Age Scotland, the national charity for older people, awarded Effie, Isobel and Meg with the Inspiration Award at their National Conference in Glasgow last week (20 March). The award honours the three Renfrew women for their 27-year commitment to the health and wellbeing of Renfrew’s older people.


Effie, Renfrew Over 50s Swimming Club Treasurer and co-founder said:

“I was teaching a couple of friends to swim and the baths master then thought it would be a good idea to start a club.  We had approximately six people in the pool and they went out and told friends and our first meeting in 1991 ended up with 36 people.”


The local group offers bus runs, aquarobics and four dances throughout the year for its members.


The group’s committee member, Bill Caird said:

“I came to the club about 1997 and discovered that everyone seems to know each other. So I came back, joined the club and I have found it wonderful after that because I was on my own and it was a good place to come to.”


Honoring the award winners, Brian Sloan, Age Scotland’s Chief Executive said:

“Mrs Marshall, Mrs Maine and Mrs McGachie’s tireless work and commitment helping people through the Renfrew Over 50s Swimming Group is a true inspiration. We’re delighted to recognise the contribution they’ve made over the last 27 years.


“There are too many older people in Renfrewshire who feel socially isolated, and this can have a devastating impact on their health and wellbeing. Groups such as the Renfrew Over 50s Swimming Group make a real difference to people’s lives, helping them stay socially connected and active no matter their age.”


Age Scotland offers a free community group service connecting people who want to try new activities or groups in their area. To find out more information about the Renfrew Over 50s Swimming Group or to speak to a Community Connecting volunteer phone the free helpline 0800 12 44 222.

Notes to editor

Award video: Renfrew Over 50s Swimming – Inspiration Award (group) winner