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Age Scotland encourages Peebles' older people to attend town hall meeting on upcoming welfare reform

13 March 2019

The leading national charity for older people, Age Scotland, is inviting all older people in Tweeddale to attend the Older People and Welfare Reform event at the Peebles Burgh Hall on Friday 22 March.
The town hall meeting is set to inform older Tweeddale residents about changes this May to welfare benefits, including Pension Credit. Age Scotland is raising awareness of these changes so that no older person in Tweeddale misses out on the benefits they are entitled to. The town hall meeting is a chance for older people in the area to find out more about the changes and ask any questions they have about their entitlements.
Commenting on the town hall meeting, Age Scotland’s Chief Executive, Brian Sloan, said:
“This will be a great opportunity for older people in Tweeddale and the surrounding areas to come along and find out more about how social security is changing this spring. Social security can be confusing especially with some benefits devolved to the Scottish Parliament and others remaining under the UK Government. We want to empower people with their rights so that they don’t miss out when things change. One big change rolls out in May and it’s vital that older people eligible for Pension Credit start a claim for it before 15 May - or risk losing out on thousands of pounds a year when the law changes.
“Our town hall meeting is a chance for older people to receive a free financial health and benefits check. We hope that people will come along and share their own ideas or experiences while enjoying a cup of tea and a chat!”
Citizens Advice Scotland will also be in attendance to talk about how to claim social security benefits.
Also commenting, Gill Westwood, Manager of Peebles Citizens Advice Bureau, said:
“We are currently in a constantly shifting welfare benefit landscape, with many applicants feeling unsure about their entitlement to benefits and bewildered by a seemingly onerous application process.  Added to this, many older people in “mixed age” relationships are facing a change to pension credit entitlement, which may leave them significantly worse off.  The Citizens Advice Bureau can help to explain entitlement and help to complete application forms if necessary.   We can also carry out a Financial Health Check to ensure income maximisation and to ensure that each individual can be confident that they are applying for all that they are entitled to receive.”
The town hall meeting will run from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm on Friday 22 March at the Burgh Hall in Peebles. All are welcome but space is limited and allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Please email or call 0131 668 8047 to reserve your free place.