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Age Scotland backs Gordon Brown's appeal to let over 75s keep their free TV licence

7 February 2019

The national charity for older people, Age Scotland, is backing the former prime minister Gordon Brown’s warning that scrapping free TV licences for the over-75s would increase pensioner poverty.
For the last 20 years, any individual aged 75 or over has been entitled to a free TV licence if they apply for it. In 2020, this entitlement from the UK Government will end. The BBC have been handed responsibility for providing this entitlement, or not, by the UK Government and are currently consulting the public on the funding options for the future.
The BBC consultation closes next week on the 12th February.

Brian Sloan, Chief Executive of Age Scotland, said:
“With the state pension age increasing every year and as one of the lowest in Europe, universal benefits such as the TV licence for over 75s, which are essentially tops ups, are more crucial than ever.

We know that about half of over 75s say that their main form of company is the TV or a pet. And with nearly 7 out of 10 people over 75 not using the Internet, TV helps them stay connected. For older people who may live on their own, struggle to leave their homes due to mobility or who have limited support systems, a friendly face on the TV can brighten their day and improve their quality of life.

Many thousands of pensioners already struggle to make ends meet. Our own research found, for example, that almost six in ten single pensioners and four in ten pensioner couples already struggle to pay their heating bills and 38% of older people feel financial squeezed. Having another new bill to pay could put many below the poverty line or further into poverty.

Older people over 75 who may very well have paid into the system all their adult life shouldn’t have to make the choice between their TV or another utility bill.
We believe the BBC should never have agreed responsibility for the concession, and the UK Government should do the right thing and continue to pay for this benefit as they committed to in their Manifesto”.

The BBC’s TV licence consultation runs until 12 February 2019. Age Scotland encourages people across Scotland to submit their response to the consultation either by visiting or phone Age Scotland’s free and confidential phone helpline on 0800 12 44 222 if you need help accessing the consultation documents.
Sign the national Age UK petition at