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61% of people diagnosed with dementia didn't get the treatment they were promised

5 February 2019

New NHS Scotland figures released today show that of the 17,496 people to have been newly diagnosed with dementia in 2016/17, only 6,830 received the post-diagnostic support they were promised by the Scottish Government – 61% missed out on vital care.

Of the total number of people diagnosed with dementia in 2016/17, only 8,178 people (46.7%) were referred to post-diagnostic support. Of those diagnosed, only 6,830 received the support package they were entitled to – just 39% of the total number of people.

The referral rate across Scotland’s health boards varies wildly with the best performing, NHS Lanarkshire, at 61.3% to NHS Orkney at 10.7%. Large health boards such as Grampian only managed to successfully refer 18.6% of those newly diagnosed.

Scotland’s national charity for older people, Age Scotland have branded the revelation as “inexcusable” and have demanded better for the increasing numbers of people living with dementia in Scotland.

Commenting on this news, Age Scotland’s Chief Executive Brian Sloan said:

“These figures are inexcusable. Not only have 61% of people newly diagnosed with dementia gone without the promised care, but less than half of the total were actually referred in the first place. This is clearly not good enough and is a staggering disservice to those living with dementia, their carers and family.

“On the face of it there is a wildly unacceptable postcode lottery which will give Scottish Government Ministers and NHS officials a further reason for embarrassment.

“As the Scottish population ages at a significant rate, and those living with dementia predicted to increase by 50% over the next 20 years, they must do better and quickly. There are big questions to answer about why people haven’t been referred and why the 1,348 people who had, didn’t get the care they were promised.”