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UK government's 'sneaky move' will leave many pensioners thousands of pounds worse off

17 January 2019

Following the recent stealth announcement from the UK Government that ‘mixed age couples’ – where one partner is of working age and the other is above State Pension age – will no longer be entitled to claim for Pension Credit, Age Scotland is warning that the country’s poorest pensioners will be hit the hardest.

Mixed age couples could potentially lose out on nearly £7,000 a year. The policy, implemented on 15 May, will mean that mixed age couples will rely on Universal Credit, which is less money than if the pensioner partner were single and applying for Pension Credit.

The new policy in theory is expected to only impact new claimants. However, the charity warns that for mixed age couples who temporarily lose their eligibility for Pension Credit, they will be unable to regain it after May 15th and will be placed on Universal Credit. This could happen if the pensioner partner travels abroad to see relatives for over four weeks at a time.

Commenting on the new policy, Age Scotland’s Chief Executive, Brian Sloan said:

“Such an outrageous new policy will do nothing but penalise older couples of mixed age, making them poorer for living together. This substantial cut to many older couples’ finances was sneakily announced as Brexit and no confidence votes dominated the House of Commons as a way of burying bad news. It will have a devastating impact on the health of Scotland’s poorest pensioners as they struggle to pay bills and heat their homes.

Right now, we know that four in ten pensioner couples have difficulty paying their fuel bill, with those in rural areas most affected. Pension credit can help older people out of fuel poverty. Without this income boost even more older people throughout the country could find themselves in poverty, which is an wholly unacceptable.

The UK Government must have thought we wouldn’t notice. But we have and they must rethink this absurd policy.

I would urge older people affected by this to call the Age Scotland’s free and confidential phone helpline on 0800 12 44 222. We can help with quick benefits, entitlements and state pension age checks.”