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Revised housing strategy "puts older people's needs at heart" of Scottish housing

30 August 2018

The Scottish Government have launched the new revised housing strategy 'Age, Home and Community' which aims to address isolation, loneliness and improve access to housing for older people. The launch was held at Age Scotland’s Edinburgh office. The national charity for older people is part of the strategy’s monitoring and advisory committee.

Delia Henry, Age Scotland’s Charity Director said: 

“We welcome this strong statement of intent from the Scottish Government that puts older people’s needs at the heart of this revised housing strategy. We know that most older people want to remain in their own home as they age, with appropriate support and good access to local amenities, and we hope this strategy supports older people to do so.

“As our country’s age increases, with over a half a million more people aged 65 and over by the late 2030s we need to act now to build more homes of all types across all tenures and in every community which are “future proofed” to meet their needs. This strategy if implemented and resourced properly will help to achieve that.”

Read 'Age, Home and Community'

Read the Scottish Government's press release