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Age Scotland comment on Care Inspectorate moves to close Muirhead Care Home

11 August 2018

Age Scotland comment on Care Inspectorate moves to close Muirhead Care Home.

Scotland's national charity for older people, Age Scotland, has commented on news that the Care Inspectorate has taken steps to close Muirhead Care Home in Aberdeenshire following reports of "highly distressing conditions".

The move by Aberdeen Sheriff Court to grant an Interim Suspension Order was taken after the Care Inspectorate found instances of residents being tied to chairs with belts and not enough food.

Chief Executive of Age Scotland, Brian Sloan said:

“The unacceptable conditions residents at this care home have been subjected to is appalling. I can imagine just how angry the residents and their families must feel. The Care Inspectorate's swift action could have saved lives.

“We urge Aberdeenshire's Health and Social Care Partnership to move quickly and effectively, to ensure that all residents of Muirhead Care Home do not suffer any further stress, and are treated with the dignity, care and respect they deserve.

“We know that social care in Scotland is under considerable stress, with major workforce recruitment and retention problems causing considerable problems, and while there is a lot of excellent care available it is vital that no older person in Scotland is ever put at risk due to poor care standards such as in this instance.”