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With energy price hikes - now is time for older people to switch tariffs and save money before winter

9 August 2018

Following this week’s announcement of rising energy costs, the national charity for older people, Age Scotland, is encouraging older Scots to check if they could save money by switching providers and having a quick benefit entitlement check through their free helpline.

Since April of this year, British Gas raised its price twice – adding a total £104 to the average bill. Other energy companies have also hiked prices between four and nine percent.

Research conducted by Age Scotland found that almost six in ten single pensioners and four in ten pensioner couples live in fuel poverty in Scotland – with those in rural areas most affected.

Age Scotland’s Chief Executive Brian Sloan said: “It’s unacceptable that hundreds of thousands of older people could be putting their health at risk because they can’t afford to adequately heat their homes. We know that cold homes put them at greater risk of ill health and even death over the winter months, exacerbating heart disease, respiratory conditions and dementia. Help is available.”

“It may be hard to think of the winter’s effects on our fuel bills during this recent heatwave, but with the hike in fuel costs this year you don’t want to be on the other side of a large bill at Christmas, or feel that you cannot afford to heat your home properly.

“Now is the time to check your energy tariffs with an unbiased home energy service. Impartial energy experts like Citrus Energy will speak directly with you over the phone to advise on the most effective, providers and tariffs that suit your needs. Switching tariffs can seem daunting but well worth the time when it could save you hundred pounds.”

With four in ten Scots entitled to pension credit not claiming it, this could mean they are also missing out on Cold Weather Payments and Warm Home discounts.

Brian said:
“The most effective way to avoid fuel poverty in older people this year is to find ways of boosting their income. So we urge all older people to check they are receiving all the benefits that they are entitled to by calling our free helpline for advice and a benefits check on 0800 12 44 222.”