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Luminate announces 2013 programme

28 August 2013

During October Luminate; Scotland's creative ageing festival, will be hosting an amazing array of performances, events and activities. Dance, drama, music, visual arts and community events and projects will shine a light on our creativity as we age.
The inaugural Luminate festival in 2012 was an outstanding success and this year's festival will once again embrace the length and breadth of Scotland. All over the country, every single day in October, community groups, cultural organisations, artists and performers will bring audiences and participants from across the generations together.
Luminate is funded by Creative Scotland and the Baring Foundation in partnership with Age Scotland.
Luminate Director, Anne Gallacher, said: "Since Luminate launched last year, the increasingly enthusiastic response to the festival has been really inspiring. One of the great delights of my job is that I am constantly reminded that creativity has no age - from exciting new work by older artists to imaginative activities taking place in care homes; from individuals who have discovered new creative talents in later life to younger people inspired by their relationships with older family members.
"I hope that people across Scotland will enjoy the second Luminate programme, and I'm looking forward very much to an exciting month."
Janet Archer, Chief Executive Officer at Creative Scotland, said: "We are delighted to once again support Luminate with the Baring Foundation and Age Scotland, as it moves into its second year. This month long event gives older people the opportunity to enjoy high quality arts programmes, whether as artists, performers, participants or audience members and it's wonderful to see a passion across the generations for an event that celebrates creativity as we age."
David Cutler, Director, The Baring Foundation, said: "The time has come for arts and older people, for too long a neglected area and Luminate and Scotland are in the forefront of this new movement. The Baring Foundation is very proud to support such inspiring work"
Brian Sloan, Chief Executive, Age Scotland said: "We are absolutely delighted to support Luminate as it enters its second year, with an exciting programme of events that once again sees widespread creative engagement of older people nationwide. We know that creative activity is an important aspect of active ageing, and as such it is integral to Age Scotland's work to improve the health and wellbeing of older people across Scotland. We are grateful to Creative Scotland and The Baring Foundation for making it possible."
The programme is available online at and hard copies can be requested by emailing the Luminate team or calling 0131 668 8066.