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Read our latest news, blogs and articles on age and ageing.
From our analysis of what's hitting the headlines, to the big issues affecting older people in Scotland.
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7 things you need to know about planning for your retirement
Talk Money Week – how Age Scotland’s social security workshops are breaking down barriers
News: Soaring numbers stuck in hospital due to social care crisis
Blog: Our top tips for keeping warm and well this winter
Rangers Charity Foundation and Age Scotland kick off campaign to tackle pensioner poverty
Guest blog: Age inclusion in the workplace
Blog: Protecting your health and wellbeing in the colder months
Blog: Hate Crime Awareness Week - why we all need to stand together to fight ageism
News: Excess winter deaths show devastating impact of Covid-19
Rising energy costs this winter
Oriam Walking Football celebration in aid of Age Scotland
Blog: Challenge Poverty Week 2021 - Now is the time