
Almost 90% of organisations have failed to discuss retirement plans with older workers looking to leave within the next 5 years. Providing support to employees who are making this huge life decision can empower them and encourage more open and honest coversations.
Since the abolition of the compulsory state pension age, both employers and employees can struggle with how to approach this conversation around retirement but an open dialogue can benefit everyone and reward the workplace with timely knowledge transfer and improved retention.
There are many factors to consider around retirement, from financial planning to daily activities, and many older people would like to keep working part time or flexibly. It is also now crucial for younger employees to plan ahead, particularly around pension and finance.
We offer two products to support your colleagues with these concerns. Our flagship Planning For Your Future workshop explores health and wellbeing in later life, how spend your time well in retirement as well as financial and legal information. Each session is delivered by experts in their field and offers attendees the opportunity to get their questions answered so that they can plan their future with peace of mind

Planning For Your Future
Independent and impartial advice for colleagues and organisations
Our bitesize Financial Wellbeing Webinar is aimed at younger or mid-career colleagues and is based on feedback from Planning For Your Future attendees on what they wished they’d known years ago when it comes to financially preparing for retirement and later life. The webinar offers up to date and clear financial information, with a focus on how to how to improve their financial situation now to improve your future.

Financial Wellbeing Webinar
Support your workforce to understand and improve their financial situation, now and in the future.
If there is more than one of the 11 Priorities you are keen to learn more about, connect with our AIM Getting Started programme, or simply get in touch with our team for a discussion.
Make an enquiry
Get in touch with us for a discussion or to find out more our retirement workshops