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Our research in collaboration with 20 different businesses on our Age Inclusive Matrix consultancy programme has shown that there are a number of areas employers need to consider in promoting an age inclusive workplace.

These priority areas come up time and again in our discussions with organisational leaders and workers. Checking in on where your organisation currently is with age inclusion, and looking at what else can be achieved, is a critical part of being an age inclusive employer and creating an environment that promotes retention of older workers and workplace productivity.

Our Age Inclusive Matrix can help you discover which priorities should be the focus for your organisation. 

Start your journey by learning more about each of the areas we identified, and the products we have created to support you.

Woman presenting to office


Managers now need to manage up to five generations in the workplace, this can be challenging, although studies agree that a generationally diverse workforce is desirable and positive.

Older woman in office

Unconscious Bias

Facing up to age bias, acknowledging that it’s real, and that it is likely to exist in every organisation, is the critical first step in creating an age inclusive workplace.

Retirement couple happy


Almost 90% of organisations have failed to discuss retirement plans with older workers looking to leave within the next 5 years.

Older woman in workplace 4


We have used our research and unique brand of expertise around both workplaces and age-related issues, to create a suite of menopause workshops and webinars

Young couple getting advice

Carer Networks and Support

Employers have a vested interest in supporting unpaid carers to promote employee well-being, retention, productivity, legal compliance, diversity, and corporate social responsibility. 

Older man in home office

Flexible Working

Flexible working is often associated with parents in the workplace, but older workers may benefit too, and employers will find pay-back in employee motivation and retention.

Older woman in workplace 1

Age Demographic Data

Monitoring the age of your staff, the age of your recruitment intake and the age of the people leaving you is an essential first step towards managing age diversity.

Older woman at work 5


Age bias can be unintentionally reinforced by HR policies and processes in areas such as reward, performance management, recruitment and training.

Woman leading a meeting

Equalities Compliance

Like all protected characteristics, age is enshrined in law and employers need to know how to ensure compliance with the UK Equalities Act, 2010.