Care and Support at Home: Assessment and Funding

This guide explains how your council, or in some areas of Scotland your local NHS, will assess your care and support needs and whether you qualify for help. The council will need to look at:
- your individual needs and circumstances, including what support you already have
- which of your needs the council can meet
- how much your care will cost, and whether you will need to pay for
some of it yourself
Social care (or community care) services include:
- help with your personal care
- respite care (including temporary residential care in a care home)
- community alarms and telecare
- day care (going to a day centre for support)
- lunch clubs
- night sitting services (if you need care at night)
- equipment to help you with everyday tasks and keep you safe, for example handrails and shower seats
- delivery of hot or frozen meals
- help with housework
- transport
Some services may be offered free of charge if you are assessed as needing them. For others, you may be asked to pay. You should be given a choice over how your care services are arranged. You can ask the council to arrange them for you, or you may be given a budget so you can organise and pay for services yourself. These choices are called Self Directed Support.
Yuo can read more about Self Directed Support in this guide, or on the Scottish Government website.
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