Care and Support at Home: Practical Help

If you think care, equipment or adaptations could help you to manage day to day, contact your local council’s social work department (or in some areas like Highland, the NHS) and ask for a care needs assessment.
You do not have to have a letter from a health professional to ask for an assessment, but having one may help the assessor to understand your needs. If you have a carer they should be involved in the assessment as they can describe the help they give you.
You will usually be assessed at home, by a social worker or an occupational therapist. If you are being discharged from hospital you may be assessed partly in the hospital and partly at home.
Assessments should happen as soon as possible, but there may be a delay in being assessed or receiving any equipment the assessment says you need. If you feel there has been an unreasonable delay, you can use the council's complaints process.
After your assessment you will be given a care or support plan. This will describe the needs the council feels you have, and the care, equipment or adaptations that may help. It will also tell you what help the council can give you towards costs.
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