Money Matters

Earlier in life, lots of information and advice is available about saving for retirement and pensions, but the same is not always true in later life.
Once you have retired, your income is often fixed with little scope for increasing it. However, you may have additional or unexpected costs, and need information about situations you have not come across before. You could also become entitled to more financial support, but not be sure how to claim it.
You may have had a sudden change in income due to retirement, a home move, a bereavement or other circumstances. Maybe you're looking at how best to support someone else to manage their money. Perhaps you're concerned that other people are interfering in how you manage your finances, or you just want to be more confident about your budget and planning for the future.
This guide aims to help you feel in control of your money, from drawing up a budget and making sure you receive all you are entitled to, to dealing with common money matters in later life, and what to do if your budget is out of balance.
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Benefit Workshops
The benefits system is complicated. It can be difficult to work out what you are entitled to, and how to claim it. Find out more about joining one of our Benefit Workshops here.