Council Tax and Council Tax Reduction

Council Tax is a property-based tax which is charged on homes such as flats and houses, houseboats and mobile homes. Each property receives one Council Tax bill.
Depending on your circumstances, you may be able to reduce the amount of Council Tax you pay by applying for a reduction, discount or exemption.
For some types of help, you may need to provide evidence of your income and savings, as well of the income and savings of your partner if you have one, and of any other adults who live with you. For others, you may need to provide medical or other evidence.
You can check for any Council Tax help you may be entitled to using Citizens Advice Scotland's Check My Council Tax tool. To make an application, contact your local council.
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Benefit Workshops
The benefits system is complicated. It can be difficult to work out what you are entitled to, and how to claim it. Find out more about joining one of our Benefit Workshops here.